
Dun Dun DUNN!

Back for Longer (Hopefully)
oh and I've been reading my old updates, I was much more annoying back then, I'm not that annoying now ;)
I be back
I actually love you all
neff >.<
comment boxes
Heyy Oopqoo! :D
2. I added a poll to the first page as I play babyz and petz now and it means I'll get more visitors from either or both games! :D
Wow :/
Spring Cleaning!
Baby Bunn-aie :D

update :P
chapter 1 :D
Yay :D
Feel free to kill me :D
HUGE Update <3
New Page (god i need to stop adding pages)
New Story
New Page!

she was adopted!!! hehe her name was porrage :) but i'm sure it's been changed lol
New Page!
Help! Judges needed!

A New Contest!!
Writers block is not something easy to sort... but ice cream helps!
LOL again i have another page
Another New Page!
I'm Back And I'm more determined!

I'm not suposed to be updating but I had to! ;)

The End?
A New Contest!!!

Another New Page!!
Big Contest For Camron!!
Analisha can walk!
It's done!

Huge Update

Listen up! I have just had a few new litterz! I'm adding them now! and to tell what they are I shall put pink on girls and nothing on boys!
Yay! Gorjey was adopted by my best-email buddie! Lizzie! her site is on my home page! he's had kittens and all of them have been adopted! his mother Allieaqua was so proud she hosted a party! she loves gorjey very much and she loves it when she gets information about her kittens!
right I have more petz to put on here but at the moment they haven't got pictures so as soon as I have a picture of them then I will add them and please do adopt a pet because all pet need good homes *Aleisha does puppy dog eyes*
yay my petz game is safe! I didn't lose any petz! it was just a dodgey pet I adopted! but Aleisha's Cattery was saved! by my smartness! haha and there is a new story on rescue petz story!
my website is not going to be updated yet!! my petz5 game isn't working and untill I sort it out nothing on here will be updated, unless my brother lets me send him files of my petz and I do it on there!
I have just added 2 new pages! one is called ' Contests, What I Will Allow?' it is about what poses I will allow in the dog/cat contest! and the second one is called ' pet summer camp' it is where I put pictures of the petz someone has sent me so I can look after them!
I'm just starting to add more breeds and these breeds are gorgouse! they are Tabby/ Siamise! Oh and if you want anything email me and I'll see what I can do!
If you want me to breed you some petz out of my petz, 1,2 and 3 then tell me which ones to breed and I should add more boys!
If you like one of my petz in my petz, 1, 2 and 3 then tell me and I'll clone them for you!
Right my website has just started up and it's going pretty well! My new sort of contest rules and what it is will be in ' A New Sort Of Pet Contest!' and my email is:
[email protected]